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Asbestos Gland Packing Graphite Rope

Asbestos Gland Packing Graphite Rope

Asbestos Gland Packing Graphite Rope

Asbestos Gland Packing Graphite Rope

Typically braided into a round rope shape, designed for gland packing applications. It may come in various diameters and lengths.

This rope combines asbestos fibers with graphite. The asbestos provides excellent thermal resistance and durability, while the graphite enhances lubrication and strength. Note that due to health concerns, asbestos is less commonly used today, and alternatives are often preferred.

Technical Specification

Rope Shape Round
Rope Type Asbestos Gland Packing
Diameter 6mm to 50mm
Brand Elephant

Advantages of Asbestos Gland Packing Graphite Rope

1) High Temperature Resistance: Capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures, making it suitable for demanding applications.

2) Lubrication: Graphite provides lubrication, which helps in reducing friction and wear.

3) Durability: The combination of asbestos and graphite offers strong resistance to wear and tear, enhancing the longevity of the packing.


Uses of Asbestos Gland Packing Graphite Rope

1) Sealing: Used in pumps, valves, and flanges where high temperature and chemical resistance are required.

2) Packing: Effective as packing material for pistons, rods, and other moving parts in machinery to prevent leaks and ensure proper functioning.

3) Gaskets: Serves as a gasket material in high-temperature and chemical processing environments where durability and resistance are crucial.

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